WTA – Wellness Through Art (SPA – Sănătate Prin Arte) is a non-profit organisation who aims to promote artistic and educational activities with a therapeutic effect and personality development. These activities are intended for all children, typical and atypical (disabled or with special educational requirements) contributing to their social integration, to their emotional, intellectual and psychomotor development.
The activities are interdisciplinary and take place in a relaxed atmosphere, through play and joy. In this way, children acquire skills and abilities that will help them develop harmoniously, being able to express themselves through art.
Any child can express himself through art, even if he is talented or not, the important thing is that through such an activity he will manage to give form to his inner feelings.
Art can heal and produce benefic effects through the very ability to determine the non-verbal expression of emotions, thoughts, feelings. By participating in different activities together, children develop in an environment that encourages trust, sensitivity, respect and team work.
You can find out more about what we are doing in our projects and activities page.